Hereford Sires

The success of our Golden Certified F-1 Program is due to our attention to quality and detail in all aspects of the operation. Our emphasis is to produce the best Golden Certified F-1 Hereford x Brahman females. We go to great lengths to compliment the cross by selecting the right Hereford bulls that meet our strict criteria of the moderate frame, moderate birth weight, high growth, large scrotal circumference, moderate milk, and high carcass value. The theory behind this is:


Moderate Framed

A moderate framed bull will hold up better for us, is typically easier fleshing, and transmits this advantage to his offspring which better compliments our Brahman cows.


Moderate Birth Weight

Although birth weight is moderated by the Brahman dam we still place emphasis on the trait for management reasons as well as to prevent heavier calves by the F-1 females.

High Growth

Although the maximum heterosis received from the F-1 cross increases the growth, we feel that increased growth is important especially for the feed yard efficiency of our F-1 steers.

Large Scrotal Circumference

It is our thought that crossing a large scrotumed bull with a Brahman cow should produce offspring that reach puberty at an earlier age thus entering into production sooner.


Moderate Milk

As cattle producers, we realize more is not always better; therefore, we select our cattle with moderate milk to produce F-1 females that are lower maintenance, remain fleshier, and have better fertility.


High Carcass Value

Quality and Yield Grade affect the value of the beef carcass and we select bulls that will address these factors to maximize the profitability of their offspring.